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Avi's Journey

Jan 20
Avi with her inflatable cone on

Avi with her inflatable cone on

It was officially confirmed through a biopsy that mass in Avi’s carpal joint was a low grade 2 mast cell tumor. After seeing an oncologist in the Twin Cities, it was decided that amputation would be the best option to fully remove the cancer. I am so thankful for the many years she has left! While I’ve struggled with the decision of amputation, I only want what’s best for her. My only remaining concern is the possibility that she is more susceptible to developing more tumors, but we have to take it day by day from here on out.

Avi with my niece, Summer

Avi with my niece, Summer

7 comments so far

  1. benny55
    10:59 pm - 1-20-2015

    AVI!!!! You definitely have a mug that melts my heart. Your gentleness comes shining through!!

    I know this is such an emotional snd stressful time right now. Recovery is no picnic either! Some dogs recover relatively quickly…about two weeks. Some take a little longer like my Happy Hannah…about three weeks. When the sparkle starts coming back and that painful leg is gone you will be asrounded at how happy Avi will be!!

    It’s hard not ro worry about the future. The main “life lesson” on this journey is to BE MORE DOG…BE MORE AVI!! Live in the NOW…in the present…not worrying about a thing! Avi doesn’t care about any ole diagnosis! Avi just wants to lap up all the loving and spoiling she can get…and I’m sure she’s getting plenty!!!!

    Remember, you are not alone, okay? Please let us know how we can help. And please post more pictures! She is so darn cute! I love her little white socks!! And your niece is a lovely girl!

    Sending lots of healing hugs!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

    • alrohly
      9:27 pm - 1-27-2015

      Sally: Thank you so much for the kind words and support! I hope the recovery is as painless as possible and she bounces back quickly. The amputation is in 2 days, and I’m trying to remain as calm and positive as possible. She’s such a strong pup and I’m sure she’ll do great 🙂 Thanks again for the support and encouragement!! I’ll keep updating the blog as things progress.

  2. benny55
    11:06 pm - 1-20-2015

    Geez! Dontw know how I missed your first blog…just went back and read it!

    Those pictures…yeah, melting my heart again!!!

    Stay connected and thanks for updating!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  3. krun15
    11:16 pm - 1-20-2015

    Welcome to Tripawds. My little pug Maggie lost her left rear leg to a MCT. Although she had lymph node involvement she hopped happily through life for almost 4 years. You can read her story here: and read about her amp and treatment here:
    Did the doc give you the mitotic index? That is an indicator of how aggressive the tumor might be. It would be great if the amp was curative! But do keep an eye out for new tumors, mast cell can be quite unpredictable. You might also consider posting in the forums if you have questions or need support.
    Karen and Spirit Maggie

    • alrohly
      10:23 pm - 1-27-2015

      Karen: Awww so sorry to hear about Maggie! Reading her story felt very similar to Avi’s situation. The mitotic index was rare, so the oncologist was encouraged by the slow rate of spread. They also aspirated her lymph node and determined the tumor had not yet spread, so hopefully the cancer will be fully cured with the amputation. My one concern is how young she is for this to happen (only 3 years!), and after reading Maggie’s story I feel the need to prepare for the possibility that more tumors may appear, but we’ll take it day by day.

  4. jerry
    4:43 am - 1-21-2015

    Oh you pretty girl! You have such great humans taking wonderful care of you, I know everything’s gonna be alright. Lots of hugs coming your way! Keep us posted.

    • alrohly
      10:24 pm - 1-27-2015

      Thanks Jerry for the kind words of encouragement and hugs!!

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