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Avi's Journey

Jan 05

Avi BearEvery Christmas, my wish list would continuously evolve as I grew older. However, there was one thing that remained consistent: A dog. I knew my request was highly improbable, however my desire was persistently made clear. I was raised with the mentality that if I wanted something, I needed to find the means to obtain it. And so I did. So fast forward to now: An independent graduate student, with my own apartment and modest stipend. The location: Fargo ND. Why I would ever choose to suffer through -50C windchill each and every winter is beyond my comprehension.  I finally realized I had the means to support and care for a canine companion, and I quickly jumped at the opportunity when one presented itself.

My sisters friend had found a dog on some of their land in Iowa, mostly skin and bones, but friendly and affectionate. When nobody claimed her, my sister contacted me about it, as she was well aware of my long-standing desire for a dog. I immediately accepted, and she came to live with me January of 2014. The vet estimated she was a yellow lab mix (I think she has some greyhound in her), and she was no more than 2 years old at the time.

When deciding on a name, I chose Avi (ahh-vee), for a secretly nerdy reason I will never confess to. She immediately warmed up and we were bonded within a month. She was my baby, and I discovered this new realm of love and compassion within my heart that I had no idea existed. She was my source for care, worry, happiness, joy, peace, and love. Being a relatively scientific person by nature, I was surprised to see this motherly instinct take form when Avi became my baby girl, and my momma bear instincts were frequently exposed.

The past year, Avi has experienced more love and attention by myself, family and friends. She’s become part of my family. It’s a dynamic that only dog owners can fully understand. However, her health throughout the year was relatively normal up until recently. Early in the year, the vets became quite familiar with Avi as she had ear infections and an eye infection, yet she was continuously healed through a little TLC and R&R (and meds).

It wasn’t until November of 2014 that she was playing outside, and within 10 minutes her carpal joint had swollen to the size of a golf ball. It looked horrendous, however she exhibited no signs of pain or discomfort. I continued to monitor her over the next week or two, per instruction of the vet, yet the swelling remained. I finally brought her in, and the vets put her on an antinflammatory medication, hoping the swelling would go down. One week later, still no progress. The vets decided to aspirate her joint, only to discover a decent amount of blood containing mast cells. The oddity of her situation was puzzling, as mast cells should not be found in the carpal joint. They decided to treat her for an allergic reaction, hoping to avoid the possibility of a mast cell tumor. Avi was taking antinflammatory pills, antibiotics, and benedryl. 8 pills a day. After a week, no progress was seen. In fact, her swelling reached a maximum at one point. Currently, the vets are concerned that the swelling reflects a tumor within her carpal joint. The recommended treatment would be an amputation of her front right leg. I will update as I find out more, but I mostly needed an outlet for myself to reflect on this process and support my baby girl with each step.

For whoever is reading this, thanks for taking the time.

9 comments so far

  1. Tripawds
    3:59 pm - 7-8-2011

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  2. Codie Rae
    3:48 am - 1-6-2015

    Hi there! Welcome to the Tripawds Nation and thanks for introducing Avi to us, she is beautiful! And she is very lucky to have found you :). All paws crossed that it turns out to be some other weird thing that won’t require an amp. But if it does we know for sure around here that it won’t be the end of the world.

    You have definitely come to the right place for support and advice every step of the way. I don’t have any personal experience with mast cell cancer (if that is what it turns out to be) but there are definitely people around here that have. Karen (aka krun15 in the forums) is one of them. You can do a search in the forums and check out Karen’s tri-pug Maggie’s blog

    Please do keep us updated and post more pics of your lovely girl!

    Martha and the Oaktown Pack

    p.s. I am always going to wonder what that secret nerdy thing was that inspired you to name her Avi 🙂
    p.s.s. What are you studying in Fargo ND? Sorry, but all I can think of are woodchippers when I hear anything about that town 😉

    • alrohly
      8:15 pm - 1-20-2015

      Thank you so much Codie Rae for the welcome and encouragement! Unfortunately the diagnosis was cancer, but she’s still got a lot of spunk left! Thanks for the link to Karen’s page.
      The nerdy name comes from a famous scientist name Avogados, but I shortened it and added a slightly feminine touch. The secret is out!
      I’m studying Coatings and Polymeric Materials (paints and plastics) at NDSU, 3 years down and 2 left to go! Haha the woodchippers… we have a lot of interesting associations with Fargo ND. It’s been a great place to study with few distractions…

  3. kazann
    4:19 am - 1-6-2015

    Hi Avi and Momma,
    What a sweet looking dog. It’s lovely to hear about your bond.

    My cat Mona lost her leg due to cancer last summer and the only thing I know about dogs and cancer and amputations is what I’ve learned here. One thing that stood out for me in your blog is that if it comes to the need to amputate Avi’s leg perhaps is could be done to leave part of the leg so Avi could get prosthetics. Here are some articles:

    Wishing you both the best!

    Kerren and Mona

    • alrohly
      8:18 pm - 1-20-2015

      So sorry about Mona’s leg! I actually asked the oncologist about your suggestions, but unfortunately she is required to have an amputation up to her shoulder and her lymph nodes must be removed 🙁 Thanks for the link to the articles for the encouragement! I was unaware just how amazing people are on this site, and I’ve felt more relieved from the support and encouragement I’ve received from everyone. Thank again 🙂

  4. jerry
    6:32 pm - 1-8-2015

    Welcome to the club nopawdy wants to join. We are so glad you’re here if you have to deal with stupid cancer (and that’s putting it politely!), because this is a GREAT community of support. Have you been to our Discussion Forums yet? Please hop on over where you’ll find lots of real-time help:

    I too want that confession, what is “Avi” all about? Great name!

    And as for Fargo, that is a COOL town! Sssssh. We won’t let the word get out though, it’s already grown too big. We visited with Tripawds Founder Spirit Jerry back in 2007 and almost moved there. Good people and a great scene. Had our first Walleye sandwich, then went to Hornbacher’s and got our first package of lufsa (sp?) and yum! Despite the weather you’re so lucky to live there! Hope you’re staying warm right now.

    Keep on bloggin and letting us know how you’re both doing.

    • alrohly
      8:21 pm - 1-20-2015

      Nopawdy… I like it! Thanks for the warm welcome, I’ve already felt so encouraged and uplifted by the people on here. I’ll definitely be checking out the forums.
      Haha, read below to see where “Avi” came from. I’ve had a number of people ask me if she’s Russian, not quite sure where that association comes from.
      Fargo is actually pretty great! Everyone is so friendly and it’s been a great place to attend graduate school. Thanks again for all the encouragement!

  5. harmony
    2:47 pm - 1-9-2015

    Awwwee . . . Avi is absolutely beautiful!

    You’ve come to the right place and we love reading about you and Avi and how things are going. Keep us updated!


    • alrohly
      8:22 pm - 1-20-2015

      Thank you so much for the kind words Pam! I’ll keep updating the blog as things come up 🙂

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